Logging Plants

I recently got into gardening, or more specifically, container gardening in the smallish and somewhat sunny “garden” behind my ground floor flat. When I moved in it was covered only in teracotta coloured gravel. I’ve gotten quite interested in growing edible plants, probably because I’m a glutton. I’ve also gotten quite interested in using self-watering containers. Googling around, it seems that no-one in South Africa is doing what I’m doing, or at least, none of it is on the web; so it seemed like a good idea to share my experiences.

This should serve two purposes, firstly as a log of my own activity so that I know what I did when (it’s easy to get lost and forget what you planted where ;), secondly to share my experiences. Hopefully it will be helpful to other garderners, particularly South African ones. A hundred posts about what commonly available in the USA brand of potting soil works well for self-watering containers and other country-specific info is of no use if you live in SA. It is exactly this kind of information I’d like to share. Of course there will (hopefully) also be more generally useful info too. In any case, even if no-one reads this site, at least it should be a good log of what is going on. I’m planning to do something along the lines of Veggi-Might

I might also write about my other interests, but expect mostly gardening related posts for now.

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